Convocatoria de Acciones de innovación e investigación (RIO)


Convocatoria de Acciones de innovación e investigación (RIO)

Fecha de inicio: 12-04-2016



Se buscan proyectos multidisciplinares que puedan servir de referencia en el futuro, en el area de «New technologies for energy and functional materials»,  y que unan la ciencia con la innovación.

Con financiación de hasta 20 millones, distribuidos entre:

  1. Ecosystem engineering: new models, materials, processes, devices and systems going beyond a single dimension for extreme energy and resource efficiency and recovery, and footprint management into circular ecosystems (energy, raw materials, waste, water,.). New approaches and technologies for extremely efficient energy generation (e.g., artificial photosynthesis or microfluidic conversion), transfer, conversion, high-density storage and consumption. The targeted improvements with respect to the state of the art are to be stated in quantitative terms. Genuine cross-fertilisation and deep synergies between the broadest range of advanced sciences and cutting-edge engineering disciplines for emerging ecological technologies seeking holistic paradigms, striving to reduce or eliminate the environmental impact, and the replacement of toxic/pollutant substances by ecofriendly materials should be considered. First time validation and assessment of these results in the context of integrated synergetic circular economy solutions or other quasi self-sufficient environments.
  2. Complex bottom-up construction: new technologies and methods for self-organisation, assembly and adaptation of materials and physical devices/systems with complex functionality (including for instance energy storage, conversion or recovery), complex composition and/or spanning a range of scales (nano, meso) and with superior properties on each of them. Energy and resource/material availability, ecofriendlyness and efficiency are to be taken into account). Where needed, multiscale mathematical modelling and computational simulation of materials and related production or self-organisation processes can be included.

 La financiación por proyecto será de entre 4 y 10 millones.

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