First Pantour webinar: Innovating and renewing skills intelligence


First Pantour webinar: Innovating and renewing skills intelligence

Fecha de inicio: 09-02-2023





Fast developments in society and in the tourism sector has led to a completely new landscape for companies and also for workers in the industry. Also, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many jobs in the sector have changed rapidly and new ones have emerged. At the start of the PANTOUR project, a thorough secondary data analysis has been conducted on current and future skills needs for the tourism industry. Existing data has been analysed, such as from global and European industry reports, EU policy documents, consultancy papers and academic research. This has rendered a broad understanding of the status of skills in the tourism industry and what is needed for the future. In this session, we will share some first insight from these analyses.


Program 11:00 – 12:00 am CET (10:00 – 11:00 am GMT)


Introduction PANTOUR – Ana Maria Camps (PANTOUR project leader and CEHAT)

Skills intelligence: Current and future skills needs in tourism – Dr. Corné Dijkmans (Head of Research at Breda University of Applied Sciences)

Debate on the future of Skills Intelligence in Tourism and next steps for PANTOUR


Registration: to register click here


For those interested: right afterwards, the Pact for Skills in Tourism Stakeholder meeting will take place from 12.00 – 13.00 pm CET, feel free to join.


About PANTOUR | Pact for Next Tourism Generation Skills


In June 2022, the Tourism Blueprint Strategy was delivered to the European Commission by the Next Tourism Generation Alliance (NTG). It was the result of more than four years of work and research about skills and training in the tourism sector in Europe. This strategy stated how to promote skills development in order to achieve better tasks development in any job position. As it was discovered, the same skills are used for different tasks and allow professionals to develop different job positions. This way, professionals must be trained on skills while they will be taught in operational tasks in their positions. From this point, a new project was submitted to an ERASMUS+ call, “Pact for Next Tourism Generation Skills – PANTOUR.

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